Torsdag 30. mars 2017 lanserte spesialbutikkene til Vinmonopolet 266 viner med fokus på Tyskland og Champagne. For de tyske vinene dreide dette seg primært om den sublime årgang 2015 som sies å være på høyde med den legendariske 1971-årgangen.
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7397902 - Vollenweider - Wolfer Goldgrube Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel 2015 - kr. 320,70
Vinen Wolfer Goldgrube Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel er produsert av Weingut Vollenweider (kart) fra Mosel regionen i Tyskland. Stor fylde smak, flott frukt, godt med stoff, lang ettersmak med mye sødme som holdes i sjakk av de heftige syrene. Særdeles gode anmeldelser (94). Særdeles god pris (46%). Kan drikkes om 9 år men tåler 25 år i kjelleren. Passer til meditasjon, ost, frukt og bær og dessert. [94 poeng kr. 320,70 (kr. 701,00) meditasjon, ost, frukt og bær og dessert 2026-2042]
Frisk, ren og tiltalende mosel auslese med godt botry- tispreg og innslag av sitrus, blomster, rosiner, honning og et streif av mineraler på duft. Svært søt, frisk og syrlig vin med stor konsentrasjon og lengde og syrlig og sitruspreget finish. Mot beerenauslese i stil. Stor vin. Prøv om 7-10 år. Utvidet distribusjon. [Vinforum: 5 stjerner]
Gullgul farge. Veldig intens lukt med flott syrlig og søt gul frukt, tydelig jordsmonn. Stor fylde smak, flott frukt, godt med stoff, lang ettersmak med mye sødme, men som holdes i sjakk av de heftige syrene, veldig lang ettersmak med masse skallpreg. Bruksområde er meditasjon og ost. En fantastisk vin som holder evig. Meget godt kjøp. [Aperitif: 96 poeng]
120 flasker lanseres. Dufter av tørkede aprikoser, lime og voks. Søt og rik med en hinsides frisk syre med en lang og tl. Drikkevindu fra 2017 til 2040. Passer til ost, frukt og bær og dessert. [DN: 96 poeng]
Vollenweider, Wolfer Goldgrube Goldkapsel Riesling Auslese 2015 Mosel. AP number 03 16. Intense and fresh with a massive undertow of botrytis and excitement. Really luscious. Massive acidity in evidence at the moment. Producer: Vollenweider. Vintage: 2015. Appellation: Mosel. Region: Mosel. Country: Germany. Score: 17,5. Colour: White. Grape Variety: Riesling. When to drink: 2026-2042. Date tasted: 16 Jun 2016. Price/Stockist: £240 per case of 6 ib Howard Ripley. [Jancis Robinson: 17,5/20 points 2015 vintage]
2015 Weingut Daniel Vollenweider Wolfer Goldgrube Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel. This Mosel wine has received good scores from various critics. Above average in popularity among wines from this region. Interest in this wine is less pronounced than in previous years. This is among the highest-priced wines from Mosel. The price has been stable over the past year. Average price (ex-tax): kr. 701,00. Weighted average score: 91/100 from 1 critic reviews. Region/appellation: Mosel. Country hierarchy: Germany. Grape/Blend: Riesling. Food Suggestion: fruit-based desserts. Wine Style: dessert - lush and balanced. [Wine Searcher: 91 points 2015 vintage]
2015 Vollenweider Wolfer Goldgrube Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel. Riesling. Germany, Mosel Saar Ruwer. Drink between 2024-2048. 100% of 0 like it. Average score of 94 points (94/94/-) based on 1 note and 1 score from 1 user. Community holdings 73. [Cellar Tracker: 94 points 2015 vintage]
Vollenweider Wolfer Goldgrube Riesling Auslese 2015. Mosel, Germany. Average rating 4.1 from 5 ratings. Grapes: Riesling. Foodpairing: pork, shellfish, spicy food, poultry, cured meat. [Vivino: 4.1 stars 2015 vintage]
Frisk, ren og tiltalende mosel auslese med godt botry- tispreg og innslag av sitrus, blomster, rosiner, honning og et streif av mineraler på duft. Svært søt, frisk og syrlig vin med stor konsentrasjon og lengde og syrlig og sitruspreget finish. Mot beerenauslese i stil. Stor vin. Prøv om 7-10 år. Utvidet distribusjon. [Vinforum: 5 stjerner]
Gullgul farge. Veldig intens lukt med flott syrlig og søt gul frukt, tydelig jordsmonn. Stor fylde smak, flott frukt, godt med stoff, lang ettersmak med mye sødme, men som holdes i sjakk av de heftige syrene, veldig lang ettersmak med masse skallpreg. Bruksområde er meditasjon og ost. En fantastisk vin som holder evig. Meget godt kjøp. [Aperitif: 96 poeng]
120 flasker lanseres. Dufter av tørkede aprikoser, lime og voks. Søt og rik med en hinsides frisk syre med en lang og tl. Drikkevindu fra 2017 til 2040. Passer til ost, frukt og bær og dessert. [DN: 96 poeng]
Vollenweider, Wolfer Goldgrube Goldkapsel Riesling Auslese 2015 Mosel. AP number 03 16. Intense and fresh with a massive undertow of botrytis and excitement. Really luscious. Massive acidity in evidence at the moment. Producer: Vollenweider. Vintage: 2015. Appellation: Mosel. Region: Mosel. Country: Germany. Score: 17,5. Colour: White. Grape Variety: Riesling. When to drink: 2026-2042. Date tasted: 16 Jun 2016. Price/Stockist: £240 per case of 6 ib Howard Ripley. [Jancis Robinson: 17,5/20 points 2015 vintage]
2015 Weingut Daniel Vollenweider Wolfer Goldgrube Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel. This Mosel wine has received good scores from various critics. Above average in popularity among wines from this region. Interest in this wine is less pronounced than in previous years. This is among the highest-priced wines from Mosel. The price has been stable over the past year. Average price (ex-tax): kr. 701,00. Weighted average score: 91/100 from 1 critic reviews. Region/appellation: Mosel. Country hierarchy: Germany. Grape/Blend: Riesling. Food Suggestion: fruit-based desserts. Wine Style: dessert - lush and balanced. [Wine Searcher: 91 points 2015 vintage]
2015 Vollenweider Wolfer Goldgrube Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel. Riesling. Germany, Mosel Saar Ruwer. Drink between 2024-2048. 100% of 0 like it. Average score of 94 points (94/94/-) based on 1 note and 1 score from 1 user. Community holdings 73. [Cellar Tracker: 94 points 2015 vintage]
Vollenweider Wolfer Goldgrube Riesling Auslese 2015. Mosel, Germany. Average rating 4.1 from 5 ratings. Grapes: Riesling. Foodpairing: pork, shellfish, spicy food, poultry, cured meat. [Vivino: 4.1 stars 2015 vintage]
7606001 - Peters - Chetillons Cuvee Speciale Blanc de Blancs Brut 2008 - kr. 854,20
Vinen Cuvée Spéciale LES CHETILLONS Champagne Blancs de Blancs - Grand Cru er produsert av Champagne Pierre Péters (kart) fra Champagne Blanc de Blancs distriktet til Champagne regionen i Frankrike. En godbit av en champagne med en uimotståelig duft av bakverk, nøtter og gule epler. Særdeles gode anmeldelser (94). Meget god pris (73%). Kan drikkes nå men tåler 8 år i kjelleren. Passer til skalldyr, krabbe, hummer, svinekjøtt, laks, tunfisk, vegetarmat, fjærfe. [94 poeng kr. 854,20 (kr. 1.176,00) skalldyr, krabbe, hummer, svinekjøtt, laks, tunfisk, vegetarmat, fjærfe 2016-2025]
Enkeltmarkschampagne fra gamle vinstokker. Frisk, ren og ungdommelig blanc de blancs med innslag av glassepler, kalkmineraler, lime og autolyse på duft. Pent fyldig vin med fin syre, stor intensitet og lengde og preg av lime og mineraler også i finish. Stor vin. Utvidet distribusjon. [Vinforum: 5 stjerner]
Gullgul farge. Åpen lukt med innslag av tørket frukt, fruktskall, lagringspreg, godt med brioche, deilig frukt, mye mineraler. Stor fyldig smak, godt med stoff, følger duften med veldig god syre, flott karakter, lang ettersmak med mye fruktskall, åpen karakter. Bruksområde er rikere retter. En godbit av en champagne som tåler 12 år. Verd prisen. [Aperitif: 95 poeng]
480 flasker lanseres. Dufter av honning og gule epler med hint av gjærbakst og brioche. Tett og konsentrert på smak med en frisk og spenstig syre kombinert med en begynnende moden frukt. Tørr og lang utgang. [DN: 94 poeng]
Har du noe stort å feire? Da velger du denne. Så kremet og samtidig lett og delikat. Uimotståelig duft av bakverk, nøtter og gule epler. Sitron i svelget. En kamp å spytte ut. [Aftenposten: 92 poeng]
Pierre Peters, Cuvée Spéciale Les Chétillons Brut Grand Cru 1999 Champagne. Deep copper. Very dry nose. Delicate. Very lively. Producer: Pierre Peters. Vintage: 1999. Appellation: Champagne. Region: Champagne. Country: France. Score: 17,5. Colour: White. When to drink: 2010-2016. Date tasted: 11 Mar 2013. Where to buy: Hong Kong, Grand Cru Cellar Intl Ltd Wholesale, £230,77, Magnum. [Jancis Robinson: 17,5/20 points 1999 vintage]
2008 Pierre Peters Cuvee Speciale 'Les Chetillons' Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru Brut. This Champagne Blanc de Blancs wine has received good scores from various critics: the 2004 vintage was given a score of 95 by The Wine Advocate and the 2009 vintage was given a score of 94 by Wine Spectator. The Guide Hachette des Vins awarded the 2002 vintage 1 Star. This is the fifth most sought-after wine from the region (in terms of user searches). This wine has been climbing in popularity during the year. Average price (ex-tax) kr. 1.176,00. Weighted average score 95/100 from 2 critic reviews. Producer: Champagne Pierre Peters. Region/appellation: Champagne Blanc de Blancs. Country hierarchy: Champagne, France. Grape/Blend: Chardonnay. Food suggestion: shellfish, crab and lobster. Wine style: sparkling - complex and traditional. When to drink: 2016 to 2020. [Wine Searcher: 91 points 2008 vintage]
2008 Pierre Péters Champagne Grand Cru Cuvée Speciale Blanc de Blancs Les Chetillons. Chardonnay. France, Champagne, Champagne Grand Cru. Drink between: 2018-2030. 100% of 8 like it. Average score of 92,3 points (92,3/93/2,23) based on 21 notes and 17 scores from 16 users. Community holdings 1.117. [Cellar Tracker: 92 points 2008 vintage]
Pierre Peters Cuvée Spéciale Les Chétillons Blanc De Blancs Grand Cru Brut 2008. Champagne, France. Average rating 4.4 from 48 ratings. Average price kr. 1.134,80. Grapes: Chardonnay. Foodpairing: pork, rich fish (salmon, tuna etc), vegetarian, poultry. [Vivino: 4.4 stars 2008 vintage]
Enkeltmarkschampagne fra gamle vinstokker. Frisk, ren og ungdommelig blanc de blancs med innslag av glassepler, kalkmineraler, lime og autolyse på duft. Pent fyldig vin med fin syre, stor intensitet og lengde og preg av lime og mineraler også i finish. Stor vin. Utvidet distribusjon. [Vinforum: 5 stjerner]
Gullgul farge. Åpen lukt med innslag av tørket frukt, fruktskall, lagringspreg, godt med brioche, deilig frukt, mye mineraler. Stor fyldig smak, godt med stoff, følger duften med veldig god syre, flott karakter, lang ettersmak med mye fruktskall, åpen karakter. Bruksområde er rikere retter. En godbit av en champagne som tåler 12 år. Verd prisen. [Aperitif: 95 poeng]
480 flasker lanseres. Dufter av honning og gule epler med hint av gjærbakst og brioche. Tett og konsentrert på smak med en frisk og spenstig syre kombinert med en begynnende moden frukt. Tørr og lang utgang. [DN: 94 poeng]
Har du noe stort å feire? Da velger du denne. Så kremet og samtidig lett og delikat. Uimotståelig duft av bakverk, nøtter og gule epler. Sitron i svelget. En kamp å spytte ut. [Aftenposten: 92 poeng]
Pierre Peters, Cuvée Spéciale Les Chétillons Brut Grand Cru 1999 Champagne. Deep copper. Very dry nose. Delicate. Very lively. Producer: Pierre Peters. Vintage: 1999. Appellation: Champagne. Region: Champagne. Country: France. Score: 17,5. Colour: White. When to drink: 2010-2016. Date tasted: 11 Mar 2013. Where to buy: Hong Kong, Grand Cru Cellar Intl Ltd Wholesale, £230,77, Magnum. [Jancis Robinson: 17,5/20 points 1999 vintage]
2008 Pierre Peters Cuvee Speciale 'Les Chetillons' Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru Brut. This Champagne Blanc de Blancs wine has received good scores from various critics: the 2004 vintage was given a score of 95 by The Wine Advocate and the 2009 vintage was given a score of 94 by Wine Spectator. The Guide Hachette des Vins awarded the 2002 vintage 1 Star. This is the fifth most sought-after wine from the region (in terms of user searches). This wine has been climbing in popularity during the year. Average price (ex-tax) kr. 1.176,00. Weighted average score 95/100 from 2 critic reviews. Producer: Champagne Pierre Peters. Region/appellation: Champagne Blanc de Blancs. Country hierarchy: Champagne, France. Grape/Blend: Chardonnay. Food suggestion: shellfish, crab and lobster. Wine style: sparkling - complex and traditional. When to drink: 2016 to 2020. [Wine Searcher: 91 points 2008 vintage]
2008 Pierre Péters Champagne Grand Cru Cuvée Speciale Blanc de Blancs Les Chetillons. Chardonnay. France, Champagne, Champagne Grand Cru. Drink between: 2018-2030. 100% of 8 like it. Average score of 92,3 points (92,3/93/2,23) based on 21 notes and 17 scores from 16 users. Community holdings 1.117. [Cellar Tracker: 92 points 2008 vintage]
Pierre Peters Cuvée Spéciale Les Chétillons Blanc De Blancs Grand Cru Brut 2008. Champagne, France. Average rating 4.4 from 48 ratings. Average price kr. 1.134,80. Grapes: Chardonnay. Foodpairing: pork, rich fish (salmon, tuna etc), vegetarian, poultry. [Vivino: 4.4 stars 2008 vintage]
7414801 - Mosbacher - Ungeheuer Riesling GG 2015 - kr. 303,70
Vinen Forster Ungeheuer Riesling Grosses Gewächs er produsert av Georg Mosbacher (kart) fra Forst an der Weinstrasse distriktet til Pfalz regionen i Germany. Sjelden og ettertraktet vin. Meget gode anmeldelser (92). Bra pris (120%). Kan drikkes om 5 år men tåler 8 år i kjelleren. Passer til svinekjøtt, laks, tunfisk, krydret mat, søte desserter, fjærfe, vegetariansk, rotgrønnsaker, squash.[92 poeng kr. 303,70 (kr. 254,00) svinekjøtt, laks, tunfisk, krydret mat, søte desserter, fjærfe, vegetariansk, rotgrønnsaker, squash 2022-2025]
Frisk, ungdommelig og tiltalende pfalz GG med kjølig frukt og innslag av epler, lime, blomster og et streif av mineraler på duft. Pent fyldig og syrlig vin med merkbar co2, stor konsentrasjon og lengde og krisp og limepreget finish. Stor vin. Prøv om 5-8 år. Utvidet distribusjon. [Vinforum: 5 stjerner]
Gulgrønn farge. God og åpen lukt av grønn eplefrukt, fint mineralpreg bak. Fyldig og konsentrert smak med god fasthet, lang ettersmak, god syre, en del bittertoner, sitter godt med syrlig og bitter avlutning. Bruksområde er hvit fisk med smørsaus. En veldig ung vin som trenger litt mer tid og som tåler 10 år. Meget godt kjøp. [Aperitif: 92 poeng]
600 flasker lanseres. Dufter av voks, stein og flint. Rik og moden tropisk frukt kombinert med en frisk syre og konsentrert lett mineralsk og lang utgang. En vin er mer tropisk og rik enn tidligere, og mindre steinete. [DN: 93 poeng]
Mustard seeds on the nose - quite dramatic! Big and muscular but there is sufficient acidity for the alcohol. Just a little sweetness and I'd say this wine could stand up to some very strongly flavoured foods. When to drink: 2017-2023. Price: £24. [Jancis Robinson: 17/20 points 2015 vintage]
Several important critics have rated this Forst an der Weinstrasse wine highly: James Suckling gave the 2015 vintage a score of 93. One of the more sought-after wines from the region. This wine has increased in popularity over the past year. This producer makes many wines including those from grapes Gewurztraminer, Merlot, Pinot Blanc, Dornfelder, and Sauvignon Blanc. Average price (ex-tax) kr. 254,00. Weighted average score 90/100. Average user rating. 3.5 stars (good) from 22 ratings. Region/Appellation: Forst an der Weinstrasse. Country Hierarchy: Pfalz, Germany. Grape/Blend: Riesling. Food Suggestion: Root vegetables and squashes. Wine Style: white - tropical and balanced. [Wine Searcher: 90 points 3.5 stars all vintages]
2015 Georg Mosbacher Forster Ungeheuer Riesling Großes Gewächs. Riesling. Germany, Pfalz. Drink between: 2020-2030. 100% of 1 like it. Community score of 92 (92/92/1.41) points based on 2 notes and 2 scores from 2 users. Community holdings 258. [Cellar Tracker: 92 points 2015 vintage]
Georg Mosbacher Forst Ungeheuer GG 2015. Pfalz, Germany. Average rating 3.8 from 3 ratings. Grapes: Riesling. Foodpairing: pork, rich fish (salmon, tuna etc), spicy food, sweet desserts, vegetarian, poultry. [Vivino: 3.8 stars 2015 vintage]
Frisk, ungdommelig og tiltalende pfalz GG med kjølig frukt og innslag av epler, lime, blomster og et streif av mineraler på duft. Pent fyldig og syrlig vin med merkbar co2, stor konsentrasjon og lengde og krisp og limepreget finish. Stor vin. Prøv om 5-8 år. Utvidet distribusjon. [Vinforum: 5 stjerner]
Gulgrønn farge. God og åpen lukt av grønn eplefrukt, fint mineralpreg bak. Fyldig og konsentrert smak med god fasthet, lang ettersmak, god syre, en del bittertoner, sitter godt med syrlig og bitter avlutning. Bruksområde er hvit fisk med smørsaus. En veldig ung vin som trenger litt mer tid og som tåler 10 år. Meget godt kjøp. [Aperitif: 92 poeng]
600 flasker lanseres. Dufter av voks, stein og flint. Rik og moden tropisk frukt kombinert med en frisk syre og konsentrert lett mineralsk og lang utgang. En vin er mer tropisk og rik enn tidligere, og mindre steinete. [DN: 93 poeng]
Mustard seeds on the nose - quite dramatic! Big and muscular but there is sufficient acidity for the alcohol. Just a little sweetness and I'd say this wine could stand up to some very strongly flavoured foods. When to drink: 2017-2023. Price: £24. [Jancis Robinson: 17/20 points 2015 vintage]
Several important critics have rated this Forst an der Weinstrasse wine highly: James Suckling gave the 2015 vintage a score of 93. One of the more sought-after wines from the region. This wine has increased in popularity over the past year. This producer makes many wines including those from grapes Gewurztraminer, Merlot, Pinot Blanc, Dornfelder, and Sauvignon Blanc. Average price (ex-tax) kr. 254,00. Weighted average score 90/100. Average user rating. 3.5 stars (good) from 22 ratings. Region/Appellation: Forst an der Weinstrasse. Country Hierarchy: Pfalz, Germany. Grape/Blend: Riesling. Food Suggestion: Root vegetables and squashes. Wine Style: white - tropical and balanced. [Wine Searcher: 90 points 3.5 stars all vintages]
2015 Georg Mosbacher Forster Ungeheuer Riesling Großes Gewächs. Riesling. Germany, Pfalz. Drink between: 2020-2030. 100% of 1 like it. Community score of 92 (92/92/1.41) points based on 2 notes and 2 scores from 2 users. Community holdings 258. [Cellar Tracker: 92 points 2015 vintage]
Georg Mosbacher Forst Ungeheuer GG 2015. Pfalz, Germany. Average rating 3.8 from 3 ratings. Grapes: Riesling. Foodpairing: pork, rich fish (salmon, tuna etc), spicy food, sweet desserts, vegetarian, poultry. [Vivino: 3.8 stars 2015 vintage]
2294101 - Pol Roger - Brut 1995 - kr. 1.168,80
Vinen Brut Vintage er produsert av Champagne Pol Roger (kart) fra Champagne Blanc de Blancs distriktet til Champagne regionen i Frankrike. Meget gode anmeldelser (91). Litt høy pris (159%). Kan drikkes nå men tåler 2 år i kjelleren. Utmerket med hummer. Passer til hummer, krabbe, skalldyr, laks, tunfisk, svinekjøtt, mild og myk ost. [91 poeng kr. 1.168,80 (kr. 734,00) hummer, krabbe, skalldyr, laks, tunfisk, svinekjøtt, mild og myk ost 2010-2018]
The Brut Vintage from Champagne Pol Roger is made from the traditional house vintage blend of 60% Pinot Noir and 40% Chardonnay from 20 Grands and Premiers crus vineyards in the Montagne de Reims and the Côte des Blancs. Produced only in limited quantities the Brut Vintage has been aged for 8 years in our cellars before being disgorged and released onto the market.
Pol Roger, Brut 1995 Champagne. Broad, savoury nose. Neat and perfectly broachable already on the nose although the palate is still quite tight (it was particularly austere in its youth). Very slightly light on the finish. A bracing rather than throat-warming champagne. Disgorged 29 November, 2001. When to drink: 2005-2015. Date tasted: 27 Dec 2002. Price: £68 BSWines (France). [Jancis Robinson: 17/20 points 1995 vintage]
Pol Roger, Brut 1995 Champagne. Bready and interesting. Good balance. See below for a more detailed note. When to drink: 2003-2010. Date tasted: 27 Dec 2002. Price: £68 BSWines (France). [Jancis Robinson: 17/20 points 1995 vintage]
Pol Roger, Brut 1995 Champagne. Light, sweetish, open nose. Full, positive impact on the front palate. Fresh, clean lemon cream that fades a little with a suggestion of glucose tablets. Fades a bit fast. When to drink: 2004-2012. Date tasted: 29 Oct 2004. Price: £68 BSWines (France). [Jancis Robinson: 17/20 points 1995 vintage]
Pol Roger, Brut 1995 Champagne. Golden. Mild and nicely balanced and evolved. Very tight and almost beery, certainly very dry indeed. Quite long. Pretty intellectual. Lots of depth and subtlety. Spicy. When to drink: 2008-2015. Date tasted: 17 Nov 2009. Price: £68 BSWines (France). [Jancis Robinson: 18/20 points 1995 vintage]
This wine is made as both non-vintage (Brut Reserve) and vintage. Please specify during your search. A number of critics have rated this Champagne Brut wine extremely highly: the 1996 vintage was given a score of 19/20 by Jancis Robinson and the 2006 vintage was given a score of 93 by Wine Spectator. This wine has won many prizes: 2 Stars from the Guide Hachette des Vins was awarded as well as Silver from the Decanter World Wine Awards. This wine represents great value for money (as measured by our Quality Price Ratio). Average Price (ex-tax) kr. 734,00. Weighted average score 91/100 from 8 critic reviews. Average user rating 4 Stars (very good) from 9 ratings. Producer: Champagne Pol Roger. Region/appellation: Champagne Brut. Country hierarchy: Champagne, France. Grape/blend: Champagne blend. Food Suggestion: shellfish, crab and lobster. Wine Style: sparkling - complex and traditional. When to drink: 2008 to 2020. [Wine Searcher: 91 points 1995 vintage]
1995 Pol Roger Champagne Vintage Brut. Champagne blend. France > Champagne. Drink between: 2010-2019. 100% of 4 like it. Community score of 90,9 points based on 22 notes and 18 scores from 17 users. Community holdings 258. [Cellar Tracker: 91 points 1995 vintage]
Pol Roger Champagne Brut 1995. Champagne, France. Average rating 4.5 from 20 ratings. Grapes: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier. Foodpairing: pork, rich fish (salmon, tuna etc), shellfish, mild and soft cheese. [Vivino: 4.5 stars 1995 vintage]
The Brut Vintage from Champagne Pol Roger is made from the traditional house vintage blend of 60% Pinot Noir and 40% Chardonnay from 20 Grands and Premiers crus vineyards in the Montagne de Reims and the Côte des Blancs. Produced only in limited quantities the Brut Vintage has been aged for 8 years in our cellars before being disgorged and released onto the market.
Pol Roger, Brut 1995 Champagne. Broad, savoury nose. Neat and perfectly broachable already on the nose although the palate is still quite tight (it was particularly austere in its youth). Very slightly light on the finish. A bracing rather than throat-warming champagne. Disgorged 29 November, 2001. When to drink: 2005-2015. Date tasted: 27 Dec 2002. Price: £68 BSWines (France). [Jancis Robinson: 17/20 points 1995 vintage]
Pol Roger, Brut 1995 Champagne. Bready and interesting. Good balance. See below for a more detailed note. When to drink: 2003-2010. Date tasted: 27 Dec 2002. Price: £68 BSWines (France). [Jancis Robinson: 17/20 points 1995 vintage]
Pol Roger, Brut 1995 Champagne. Light, sweetish, open nose. Full, positive impact on the front palate. Fresh, clean lemon cream that fades a little with a suggestion of glucose tablets. Fades a bit fast. When to drink: 2004-2012. Date tasted: 29 Oct 2004. Price: £68 BSWines (France). [Jancis Robinson: 17/20 points 1995 vintage]
Pol Roger, Brut 1995 Champagne. Golden. Mild and nicely balanced and evolved. Very tight and almost beery, certainly very dry indeed. Quite long. Pretty intellectual. Lots of depth and subtlety. Spicy. When to drink: 2008-2015. Date tasted: 17 Nov 2009. Price: £68 BSWines (France). [Jancis Robinson: 18/20 points 1995 vintage]
This wine is made as both non-vintage (Brut Reserve) and vintage. Please specify during your search. A number of critics have rated this Champagne Brut wine extremely highly: the 1996 vintage was given a score of 19/20 by Jancis Robinson and the 2006 vintage was given a score of 93 by Wine Spectator. This wine has won many prizes: 2 Stars from the Guide Hachette des Vins was awarded as well as Silver from the Decanter World Wine Awards. This wine represents great value for money (as measured by our Quality Price Ratio). Average Price (ex-tax) kr. 734,00. Weighted average score 91/100 from 8 critic reviews. Average user rating 4 Stars (very good) from 9 ratings. Producer: Champagne Pol Roger. Region/appellation: Champagne Brut. Country hierarchy: Champagne, France. Grape/blend: Champagne blend. Food Suggestion: shellfish, crab and lobster. Wine Style: sparkling - complex and traditional. When to drink: 2008 to 2020. [Wine Searcher: 91 points 1995 vintage]
1995 Pol Roger Champagne Vintage Brut. Champagne blend. France > Champagne. Drink between: 2010-2019. 100% of 4 like it. Community score of 90,9 points based on 22 notes and 18 scores from 17 users. Community holdings 258. [Cellar Tracker: 91 points 1995 vintage]
Pol Roger Champagne Brut 1995. Champagne, France. Average rating 4.5 from 20 ratings. Grapes: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier. Foodpairing: pork, rich fish (salmon, tuna etc), shellfish, mild and soft cheese. [Vivino: 4.5 stars 1995 vintage]
2294301 - Pol Roger - Blanc de Blancs Brut - 2008 - kr. 598,00
Vinen Brut Blanc de Blancs Vintage er produsert av Champagne Pol Roger (kart) fra Champagne Blanc de Blancs distriktet til Champagne regionen i Frankrike. Meget gode anmeldelser (92). Meget god pris (73%). Kan drikkes nå men tåler 3 år i kjelleren. Utmerket med hummer. Passer til hummer, krabbe, skalldyr, laks, tunfisk, svinekjøtt, mild og myk ost. [92 poeng kr. 598,00 (kr. 822,00) hummer, krabbe, skalldyr, laks, tunfisk, svinekjøtt, mild og myk ost 2015-2020]
The Brut Blanc de Blancs is exclusively made from Chardonnays selected from the Grands Crus of the Côte des Blancs : Oiry, Chouilly, Cramant, Avize and Oger. Produced in limited quantities, this Cuvée has been aged for 7 years in our cellars before being released onto the market.
Much richer than the average Blanc de Blancs but with an excellent line of freshness, especially notable on the finish. Far from austere with a strong lemon-syllabub character. Delightful already. Thoroughly satisfying. When to drink: 2015-2020. Date tasted: 28 Mar 2016. Price/Stockist: £67 The Wine Society. [Jancis Robinson: 17,5/20 points 2008 vintage]
This is among the top 10 most highly rated Champagne Blanc de Blancs wines (based on critic scores): the 2008 vintage was given a score of 95 by The Wine Advocate. Numerous prizes have been won by this wine: the Guide Hachette des Vins awarded the 2000 vintage 3 Stars Coup de coeur and the 1999 vintage 2 Stars. This is among the highest-priced Champagne Blanc de Blancs wine. The price has been stable over the past year. Average Price (ex-tax) kr. 822,00. Weighted average score 94/100. Producer: Champagne Pol Roger. Region/Appellation: Champagne Blanc de Blancs. Country Hierarchy: Champagne, France. Grape/Blend: Chardonnay. Food Suggestion: shellfish, crab and lobster. Wine Style: sparkling - complex and traditional. When to drink: 2015 to 2030. [Wine Searcher: 94 points 2008 vintage]
2008 Pol Roger Champagne Blanc de Blancs. Drink 2018-2030. France > Champagne. 100% of 15 like it. Community score of 92,1 points based on 34 notes and 28 scores from 29 users. Community holdings 1.165. [Cellar Tracker: 92 points 2008 vintage]
Pol Roger Champagne Blanc De Blancs 2008. Champagne, France. Average rating 4.2 from 409 ratings. Average price kr. 579,00. Grapes: Chardonnay. Foodpairing: pork, rich fish (salmon, tuna etc), shellfish, mild and soft cheese. [Vivino: 4.2 stars 2008 vintage]
The Brut Blanc de Blancs is exclusively made from Chardonnays selected from the Grands Crus of the Côte des Blancs : Oiry, Chouilly, Cramant, Avize and Oger. Produced in limited quantities, this Cuvée has been aged for 7 years in our cellars before being released onto the market.
Much richer than the average Blanc de Blancs but with an excellent line of freshness, especially notable on the finish. Far from austere with a strong lemon-syllabub character. Delightful already. Thoroughly satisfying. When to drink: 2015-2020. Date tasted: 28 Mar 2016. Price/Stockist: £67 The Wine Society. [Jancis Robinson: 17,5/20 points 2008 vintage]
This is among the top 10 most highly rated Champagne Blanc de Blancs wines (based on critic scores): the 2008 vintage was given a score of 95 by The Wine Advocate. Numerous prizes have been won by this wine: the Guide Hachette des Vins awarded the 2000 vintage 3 Stars Coup de coeur and the 1999 vintage 2 Stars. This is among the highest-priced Champagne Blanc de Blancs wine. The price has been stable over the past year. Average Price (ex-tax) kr. 822,00. Weighted average score 94/100. Producer: Champagne Pol Roger. Region/Appellation: Champagne Blanc de Blancs. Country Hierarchy: Champagne, France. Grape/Blend: Chardonnay. Food Suggestion: shellfish, crab and lobster. Wine Style: sparkling - complex and traditional. When to drink: 2015 to 2030. [Wine Searcher: 94 points 2008 vintage]
2008 Pol Roger Champagne Blanc de Blancs. Drink 2018-2030. France > Champagne. 100% of 15 like it. Community score of 92,1 points based on 34 notes and 28 scores from 29 users. Community holdings 1.165. [Cellar Tracker: 92 points 2008 vintage]
Pol Roger Champagne Blanc De Blancs 2008. Champagne, France. Average rating 4.2 from 409 ratings. Average price kr. 579,00. Grapes: Chardonnay. Foodpairing: pork, rich fish (salmon, tuna etc), shellfish, mild and soft cheese. [Vivino: 4.2 stars 2008 vintage]
7398601 - Keller - Abtserde Riesling GG 2015 - kr. 661,60
Vinen Abts Erde Riesling Grosses Gewachs er produsert av Weingut Keller (kart) fra Westhofen distriktet til Rheinhessen regionen i Tyskland. Sjelden vin fra en meget populær produsent. Meget gode anmeldelser (92). God pris (84%). Kan drikkes nå men tåler 13 år i kjelleren. Passer til svinekjøtt, skalldyr, krydret mat, fjærkre, spekemat, rotgrønnsaker og squash. [92 poeng kr. 661 (kr. 790) svinekjøtt, skalldyr, krydret mat, fjærkre, spekemat, rotgrønnsaker og squash 2017-2030]
The nose of the AbtsE(rde) offers a fascinating composition of almost perfumed fruit and earthy minerality. If my gustatory facilities did not deceive me, the AbtsE is a little softer and sweeter than its stable mates, even dabbling in exotic territory with a fresh notion of passion fruit. Ripe gooseberry and stony apricot complete the fruit flavour. At the same time the wine never loses grip and finishes on an intriguing combination of flint stone, kernel and the merest notion of crushed coffee beans. When to drink: 2017-2030. Date tasted: 28 Aug 2016. [Jancis Robinson: 19/20 points 2015 vintage]
This Westhofen wine has received good scores from various critics: the 2014 vintage was given a score of 95 by The Wine Advocate and the 2013 vintage was given a score of 19/20 by Jancis Robinson. This is the second most sought-after wine from Rheinhessen (in terms of user searches). The popularity of this wine has increased considerably over the past year. Among the higher priced wines from Westhofen. Over the past two years the price has been trending upwards. Average Price (ex-tax): kr. 790,00. Weighted average score: 91/100. Producer: Weingut Keller. Region/appellation: Westhofen. Country hierarchy: Rheinhessen, Germany. Grape/blend: Riesling. Food suggestion: root vegetables and squashes. Wine style: white - tropical and balanced. [Wine Searcher: 91 points 2015 vintage]
2015 Weingut Keller Westhofen Brunnenhäuschen Abtserde ("Abtse®.de") Riesling Großes Gewächs. Germany > Rheinhessen. Drinking window not specified. Community Holdings: 248. No rating. [Cellar Tracker: NR points 2015 vintage]
Keller Abts Erde Riesling 2015. Rheinhessen > Germany. Average rating: 4.6 from 5 ratings. Grapes: Riesling. Foodpairing: pork, shellfish, spicy food, poultry, cured Meat. [Vivino: 4.6 stars 2015 vintage]
The nose of the AbtsE(rde) offers a fascinating composition of almost perfumed fruit and earthy minerality. If my gustatory facilities did not deceive me, the AbtsE is a little softer and sweeter than its stable mates, even dabbling in exotic territory with a fresh notion of passion fruit. Ripe gooseberry and stony apricot complete the fruit flavour. At the same time the wine never loses grip and finishes on an intriguing combination of flint stone, kernel and the merest notion of crushed coffee beans. When to drink: 2017-2030. Date tasted: 28 Aug 2016. [Jancis Robinson: 19/20 points 2015 vintage]
This Westhofen wine has received good scores from various critics: the 2014 vintage was given a score of 95 by The Wine Advocate and the 2013 vintage was given a score of 19/20 by Jancis Robinson. This is the second most sought-after wine from Rheinhessen (in terms of user searches). The popularity of this wine has increased considerably over the past year. Among the higher priced wines from Westhofen. Over the past two years the price has been trending upwards. Average Price (ex-tax): kr. 790,00. Weighted average score: 91/100. Producer: Weingut Keller. Region/appellation: Westhofen. Country hierarchy: Rheinhessen, Germany. Grape/blend: Riesling. Food suggestion: root vegetables and squashes. Wine style: white - tropical and balanced. [Wine Searcher: 91 points 2015 vintage]
2015 Weingut Keller Westhofen Brunnenhäuschen Abtserde ("Abtse®.de") Riesling Großes Gewächs. Germany > Rheinhessen. Drinking window not specified. Community Holdings: 248. No rating. [Cellar Tracker: NR points 2015 vintage]
Keller Abts Erde Riesling 2015. Rheinhessen > Germany. Average rating: 4.6 from 5 ratings. Grapes: Riesling. Foodpairing: pork, shellfish, spicy food, poultry, cured Meat. [Vivino: 4.6 stars 2015 vintage]
I analysen vår vil vi benytte anmeldelser fra de følgende testene av vin:
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- Vinforum - Spesialslipp mars 2017 Tyskland og Champagne
- Aperitif - De beste viser seg også denne gangen fra sin beste side
- DN - De beste nye champagnene og hvitvinene
- Aftenposten - Her er Ingvild Tennfjords favoritter
- Vinofil - Våren: høysesong for riesling
- Jancis Robinson
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- CellarTracker!
- Vivino
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