Nytt program fargelegger gamle bilder automatisk
Datamaskiner som fargelegger svart hvitt-bilder er ikke nytt, men resultatene har ikke vært spesielt gode. Før nå. En ny versjon av programmet «DeOldify» gir nemlig noen imponerende resultater. Ved hjelp av maskinlæring fargelegges bildene automatisk. DeOldify er åpent tilgjengelig, men en ny og upublisert versjon har økt kvaliteten på det som også kalles kolorering betraktelig.
Visualizing Image Colorization with Hyper-Realistic Artwork
Image colorization may have been reserved for those with artistic talent in the past, but now anyone with basic programming knowledge can get in on the action. Thanks to projects like DeOldify, we can colorize black and white images and video with minimal setup! The project even includes pre-trained weights, so you don’t need to spend time training on your machine.
How to setup DeOldify
For those looking to try this themselves, here is a short tutorial on how to get things setup. First, cd into the directory you would like to place DeOldify, then clone it:
Now cd into the newly created DeOldify directory and create a new “models” directory for your pre-trained weights:
You can now download the pre-trained weights through the command line:
If you don’t have wget, you can find links to manually download these pre-trained weights in the DeOldify README. We also need to install dependencies:
Once the dependencies are installed, open the project in a Jupyter Notebook:
At this point, you should be able to open the ImageColorizer.ipynb file and continue from there. I hope this helped! Happy colorizing!