Visualisering av data er et eget fag innen visuell kommunikasjon. De forreste av oss vil bli spesialister innen dette fagfeltet, men alle kan lære seg å kommunisere sine data på en bedre måte. Vi skal se på noen grunnprinsipper for god data visualisering og hvordan man velger den riktig visualiseringsform basert på hva man ønsker å formidle. Dette handler om historiefortelling med data. Til slutt skal vi anbefale konkrete Power BI visualiseringer som vi har god erfaring med. Målet er at alle skal kunne designe sine egne dashboards eller bli en bedre oppdragsgivere for konsulenter gjennom økt bevissthet på hva som fungerer best for deg og dine kolleger. Bli bedre på å prosessere, analysere, dele og presentere dine data!
Alle kan bli bedre å presentere sin historie gjennom effektiv visualisering av data
Presenter din historie ved visualisering dine data
II’m a big believer that anyone can learn how to communicate their data in better ways. I’ve published more than 130 podcast episodes, and I don’t think any of my guests have come directly to data visualization, but instead have come from a range of areas like journalism, astronomy, economics, business, government, and more.
When it comes to learning how to best visualize your data, there is a plethora of great books, websites, blogs, and podcasts. In my Core Principles classes and workshops, I provide this cheat sheet as a summary of some of the core lessons. Obviously, this doesn’t cover everything, but I think it serves as a good reminder of best practices and core things to keep in mind. ![]()
Vårt mål er å hjelpe folk lære dataspråket. Dette handler ikke om programmering men om å forstå hva data forteller oss. Hvordan tolke dataene slik at de gir oss informasjon som senere kan analyseres for å gi innsikt. Det handler altså om å kunne lese data på en måte som gir mening. Dette henger sammen med data visualisering fordi data presenteres på en form som er lettere for folk flest å forstå historien dataene forteller.
Datakunnskap er evnen til å lese, forstå og formidle data som informasjon
Små og store selskaper søker etter faktabasert innsikt og ønsker å implementere en datadreven kultur. Det blir raskt et grunnleggende krav for fagfolk innen alle fagområder og bransjer. Akkurat som tekstbehandling eller navigering på internett i tidligere tiår, har datakunnskaper flyttet seg fra en spesialisert ferdighet til en ofte etterspurt egenskap.
Ben Jones is the founder and CEO of Data Literacy, a training and education company that’s on a mission to help people learn the language of data. Ben is a highly experienced and passionate instructor, having taught data to thousands in a corporate training environment as well as in academic classroom settings (University of Washington). He is also a published author (Communicating Data With Tableau), a talented public speaker, and a recognized thought-leader in the data world. To balance out the digital side of life, Ben enjoys hiking and backpacking with his family in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest. Ben is currently working on his second book, Avoiding Data Pitfalls, due out later this year.
Ben stops by the show to talk about leaving Tableau & launching his Data Literacy firm, his 17 Key Traits ebook, the recently-launched Udacity data storytelling course, thoughts on the data visualization community, and his new book. |
The ultimate reference for Power BI charts and visuals.
Microsoft Power BI is a great tool to create Business Intelligence reports, and it includes several high-quality charts and visuals. In addition to the built-in charts and visuals, there are more than 170 custom visuals you can download for free from the integrated marketplace or from the AppSource. Not sure how to pick the right visuals for your reports among all these resources? This reference aims at guiding you in that decision. Power BI Dashboard Design Course ![]()
CHOOSE THE CORRECT VISUAL FOR POWER BI REPORTSTo improve the performance and security of enterprise-grade Power BI implementations, we share our best practices for architects and developers. We manage hundreds of Power BI based dashboards that are used every day to drive operations and marketing by thousands of enterprise users. We would love to learn from your experience to further improve the guide.
POWER BI CHEAT SHEETTwo years ago my colleague Dave Ruijter (t | in) started the Power BI Cheat Sheet. First, it was a giveaway for participants of our classroom Power BI training with a summary of the tips and tricks we shared during the training. Not long after that, Dave decided to make it publicly available! Besides our tips and tricks, it also became community driven which results in a lot of input from the community via social media nowadays. Over a year ago, I (t | in) joined Macaw and started to help Dave with keeping the Cheat Sheet up-to-date, which is actually kind of a hard job with the fast release cycle of Power BI.
The Power BI Cheat Sheet is a one-page guide crammed with best-practices, tips and tricks based on years of experience in Power BI. The Cheat Sheet is publicly available for everyone to download. Even without registration! A few months ago, it went viral after Guy in a Cube mentioned the Cheat Sheet in his weekly video! At the moment of writing this blog, we have over 15.000 clicks on the public link to the cheat sheet, which makes us really excited! Lots of people tell us they like to have the latest Cheat Sheet printed out and readily available on their desk, to be able to just grab it when the need is there. That’s why Dave and I always try to bring a big pile of new hard-copy Cheat Sheets with us to events we organize or visit! Because of the fact that there is little to no room for comments to add to all the tips, we decided to do some public sessions about the Cheat Sheet as well. During these sessions, we will describe, demonstrate and discuss all the items. We will present the Cheat Sheet Explained session at SQL Saturday Stockholm, Power Saturday in Paris and Data Grillen in Lingen, but more to come! We try to update the Cheat Sheet every month, please feel free to send us a message with your tips and tricks, or anything you encountered that might be relevant for everyone learning Power BI! Who knows, it might be on the Cheat Sheet soon! Find Dave or me at a community event, or download the Power BI Cheat Sheet for free: ![]()
THE FINANCIAL VISUALS REFERENCE - MANAGEMENT REPORTING IN POWER BIIn the Past there were no standards in Reporting at all which lead to sometimes horrible and unreadable Reports with a lot of 3D-, Pie-, Gauge Charts and no meaningful colors as well. Some time ago the IBCS was introduced and set some standards especially for the finance and controlling area. We can discuss about every single design point here, it does not really matter in the end. Important is to follow the general concepts and rules. Create a standard which fits for your organization’s needs, follows best practice and make sure it will be consequently used.
I created the first Draft of “The Financial Visuals Reference - Management Reporting in Power BI”. In this initial Version, I want to focus on KPI Cards which can show the status of a measure by comparing key indicators to a target and/or previous year. Then we go through some methods to show absolute values like Revenue or Costs, percent values like Margins and Variances, Human Resource KPIs like FTE's ( Full Time Equivalents) and Headcounts. Contributions like a Profit and Loss Statement. Comparisons for Gain and Loss of Customers or Revenue versus Costs. Last but not least the concept of small multiples in Management Reporting. We can discuss about every single design point here, it does not really matter in the end. Important is to follow the general concepts and rules. Colours are up to somebody’s preference, they should have just a meaning. Create a standard which fits for your organization’s needs, follows best practice and make sure it will be consequently used. |
Her er lenker til noen nyttige sider for visualisering i Power BI:
- Visualiseringer i Power BI-rapporter (Visualization types in Power BI)
- Legge til visualiseringer i en Power BI-rapport (Add visualizations to a Power BI report)
- Visualiseringstyper i Power BI (Visualization types in Power BI)
- Visualobjekter i Power BI (Visuals in Power BI) - hvordan utviklere kan implementere skreddersydde visualiseringer
- xxx (Extend Power BI with custom visuals)
- Tips for å utforme et flott Power BI-instrumentbord (Tips for designing a great Power BI dashboard)
Visual types in Power BI
Visualiseringstyper i Power BI
Visualiseringer i Power BI-rapporter
5 Power BI Tips To Make Your Reports More Appealing And User-friendly
Visualiser data for å redusere kostnader og få verdifull innsikt
10 Dashboard Design Principles & Best Practices To Enhance Your Data Analysis
Designing Charts and Graphs: How to Choose the Right Data Visualization Types
Dashboard Storytelling: From A Powerful To An Unforgettable Presentation
Which chart or graph is right for you?
Visualiseringstyper i Power BI
Visualiseringer i Power BI-rapporter
5 Power BI Tips To Make Your Reports More Appealing And User-friendly
Visualiser data for å redusere kostnader og få verdifull innsikt
10 Dashboard Design Principles & Best Practices To Enhance Your Data Analysis
Designing Charts and Graphs: How to Choose the Right Data Visualization Types
Dashboard Storytelling: From A Powerful To An Unforgettable Presentation
Which chart or graph is right for you?
SAMMENLIGNING for å sammenligne størrelsen på målinger |
Columned Bar Chart i Power BI |
Columned Column Chart i Power BI |
Bullet Chart av OKViz |
Dot Plot av OKViz |
ENDRING OVER TID for å vise endrings-tendensen på målinger |
Line Chart i Power BI |
Sparkline av OKViz |
Card with States av OKViz |
SAMMENLIGNING - for å sammenligne størrelsen på målinger
Bullet Chart av OKVizShow the value of a measure in a tiny space, with a ton of context information.
Inspired by Stephen Few, the Bullet Chart by OKViz allows you to show data values, saving precious space on your reports. It can render single or multiple values in a series and show comparison values, different targets, and performance areas. Horizontal and vertical mode included. |
Dot Plot av OKVizUse this visual to represent a magnitude comparison, without having to start the y-axis from 0.
Dot Plot by OKViz allows you to compare multiple measures by their magnitude, representing each data point with a simple dot. The key benefit to use a Dot Plot is that you can start the Y-Axis from a value different from zero without conveying the wrong message. |
ENDRING OVER TID - for å vise endringstendensen på målinger
Sparkline av OKVizShows trend of multiple measures or category items over a line, minimizing the visual real estate.
Sparkline by OKViz allows you to represent the trend of multiple measures or category items over a line. It takes great care to the use of real estate and includes several useful options: for example, you can display the highest/lowest data points, the last value (or the sum of the values in the series or the average value), a target line/area, and you can change the chart color, the line appearance, and more. |
Card with States av OKVizShow a measure and color it according to its performance.
Based on the Power BI built-in Card and KPI, the Card with States by OKViz allows you to bind a performance measure and to define multiple states that determine the color of the visual itself. Moreover, you can set a trend axis to display a the measure trend line. It is customizable in every single aspect. |
INNDELING - å identifisere delene som utgjør en måling
FLYT - for å vise en flyt eller dynamiske relasjoner
Ultimate Waterfall av Klaus BirringerStart Value, Chart Orientation, Small Multiples, Sub Totals, Deviation, IBCS (R) Table
To remove the Watermark, order your Trial License: [email protected] or visit The Ultimate Waterfall Chart supports horizontal and vertical Chart Orientation and many more features. Custom Colors are possible for Contribution, Sub Totals, Totals, Start Value (Paid Version Only) and Deviation Calculation. The Ultimate Waterfall Chart is now a certified Custom Visual, so Export to PowerPoint or subscription to report pages is now possible. |
Funnel i Power BITraktdiagrammer
Trakter hjelper deg å visualisere en prosess der faser og elementer flyter sekvensielt fra ett stadium til neste. Bruk en trakt når det er en sekvensiell flyt mellom stadier, som for eksempel en salgsprosess som starter med kundeemner og slutter med fullføring av kjøp. Built-in visual in Power BI. |
RANGERING - å rangere måling i forhold til hverandre
KART - for å vise målinger på ulike typer kart
Synoptic Panel av OKVizCreate custom maps with areas connected to the data.
Synoptic Panel by OKViz allows you to present one or more images (called maps, not necessarily geographical maps), assigning a meaning to arbitrary parts of them (called areas). You can highlight and color these areas dynamically and display several information over them. To design maps you can use a vector graphic editor or our companion tool Synoptic Designer ( |
DISTRIBUSJON - for å vise fordelingen av verdier
Histogram Chart av MicrosoftVisualises the distribution of data over a continuous interval or certain time period
A Histogram shows history representation of the distribution of numerical data. It is an estimate of the probability distribution of a continuous variable (quantitative variable). The data is grouped into bins, that is, divide the entire range of values into a series of intervals—and then count how many values fall into each interval. Customize the number of bins, whether to use frequency or density, and the data colors. |
Box and Whisker chart av MAQDisplay data distribution quartiles in a box plot.
Box and Whisker Chart by MAQ Software is useful for quickly comparing distributions between several sets of data. In addition to showing the median, first and third quartiles, and the maximum and minimum values, Box and Whisker Chart by MAQ Software displays the mean, standard deviation, and quartile deviation. |
KORRELASJON - for å vise sammenhenger mellom målinger
Enhanced Scatter av MicrosoftIncludes improvements to the existing scatter chart visual
Enhanced Scatter introduces a few more properties that were added on top of the existing scatter chart visual, including shapes as markers, background image support, and developer crosshairs for positioning elements onto an image background. |
ENKELT TALL - for å presentere en enkelt verdi
Card with States av OKVizShow a measure and color it according to its performance.
Based on the Power BI built-in Card and KPI, the Card with States by OKViz allows you to bind a performance measure and to define multiple states that determine the color of the visual itself. Moreover, you can set a trend axis to display a the measure trend line. It is customizable in every single aspect. Kort: Enkelt tall |
KPI - viser fremdrift mot et målbart mål
Advance Card av Bhavesh JadavAdvance card visual with more options than default card visual available in Power BI
Advance card custom visual is based on default card visual present in Power BI. While having similar functionality as default card visual, it provides additional useful functionality such as adding labels to start and end, conditional formatting, tooltip support and more. Kort: Enkelt tall |
Power KPI av MicrosoftA powerful KPI Indicator with multi-line chart and labels for current date, value and variances.
The Power KPI visual is for presenting a key performance indicator (KPI) along with a variety of supporting information, including:
Some of the key features include:
FORTELLENDE - for å fortelle en historie med data
Word Cloud av MicrosoftCreate a fun visual from frequent text in your data
Word Cloud is a visual representation of word frequency and value. Use it to get instant insight into the most important terms in your data. With the interactive experience of Word Cloud in Power BI, you no longer have to tediously dig through large volumes of text to find out which terms are prominent or prevalent. You can simply visualize them as Word Cloud and get the big picture instantly and user Power BI’s interactivity to slice and dice further to uncover the themes behind the text content. This visual also puts you in control on the appearance of the work cloud, be it the size or usage of space and how to treat the data. You can choose to break the words in the text to look for the frequency word or keep word break off to project a measure as a value of the text. You can also enable stop words to remove the common terms from the word cloud to avoid the clutter. By enabling rotation and playing with the angles allowed, you can become very creative with this visual. Optionally you can also use a measure to provide weightage to the text. If none provided, it will simply use the frequency. Check out the formatting pane for more options. |
FILTER - for å kontrollere rapportfiltre
Chiclet Slicer av MicrosoftDisplay image and/or text buttons that act as an in-canvas filter on other visuals
The Chiclet Slicer was inspired by the great slicer control found in Excel since 2010, but with much greater customization options. Chiclet are a slicers made of buttons, that can also be arranged horizontally for a very efficient real estate use, or arranged as a matrix for a super compact form. Chiclet slicer also supports cross highlighting. That's not all - they can even contain images! |
Implementer datamodell – enkelt og elegant
Vi har tatt 2 store prinsipielle valg i forhold til vår tilnærming til å bygge datavarehuset; datasentrisk og forretningssentrisk. Vi har valgt den siste samtidig som vi strukturerer databasen slik at vi oppnår målet vårt om enkel og intuitiv løsning med høy grad av selvbetjening:
- Forretningssentrisk filosofi
- Kimble style datamodell - datamarts og stjernediagram
Enkel og elegant løsning - for alle!
I dette mener vi at det skal være enkelt og intuitivt å:
Vi ønsker et tett samarbeid med kunden når det gjelder utforming av analyseløsningen, hvor vi kombinerer kundens kompetanse og erfaring på det forretningsmessige sammen med vår ekspertise på den faglige delen å bygge en solid løsning basert på beste praksis i industrien. For å få til dette samarbeidet må vi velge en design metodikk som ikke blir for teoretisk og teknisk slik at kunden ikke klarer å følge med.
For oss utviklere er dashboards er en god kandidat som spesifikasjon for løsningen vi skal lage. Herfra vil vi kunne se hva kunden har mest fokus på, vi vil ha tilgang på KPI kalkulasjoner og relativt enkelt komme frem til hvilke kildedata som skal til for å implementere de ulike visualiseringene.
På bakgrunn av et sett med dashboards er det enkelt for konsulenten å skissere opp en eller flere datamarts som vil støtte implementasjonen av alle disse dashboards og deres tilhørende rapporter. Datamodellen vil være et stjernediagram hvor vi klart skiller mellom fakta og dimensjoner. Dette er et format som det er enkelt for kunden å forstå slik at vi kan ha konstruktive diskusjoner rundt datamodellen og mulighetene/begrensningene den vil ha i forhold til analyse.
- designe dashboards sammen med kunde
- diskutere datamodellen sammen med kunde
- lage nye analysemodeller mot datavarehuset
- lage rapporter mot analysemodeller
- drifte og vedlikeholde datavarehuset
Vi ønsker et tett samarbeid med kunden når det gjelder utforming av analyseløsningen, hvor vi kombinerer kundens kompetanse og erfaring på det forretningsmessige sammen med vår ekspertise på den faglige delen å bygge en solid løsning basert på beste praksis i industrien. For å få til dette samarbeidet må vi velge en design metodikk som ikke blir for teoretisk og teknisk slik at kunden ikke klarer å følge med.
For oss utviklere er dashboards er en god kandidat som spesifikasjon for løsningen vi skal lage. Herfra vil vi kunne se hva kunden har mest fokus på, vi vil ha tilgang på KPI kalkulasjoner og relativt enkelt komme frem til hvilke kildedata som skal til for å implementere de ulike visualiseringene.
På bakgrunn av et sett med dashboards er det enkelt for konsulenten å skissere opp en eller flere datamarts som vil støtte implementasjonen av alle disse dashboards og deres tilhørende rapporter. Datamodellen vil være et stjernediagram hvor vi klart skiller mellom fakta og dimensjoner. Dette er et format som det er enkelt for kunden å forstå slik at vi kan ha konstruktive diskusjoner rundt datamodellen og mulighetene/begrensningene den vil ha i forhold til analyse.
Sankey Chart
Flow diagram where the width of the series is proportional to the quantity of the flow
With Sankey, you can clearly find the sources, destinations and steps in between and how the stuff flow across them all in one quick glance. You can also interact with it either by clicking the link or the flow itself and leverage the cross highlighting/filtering feature of Power BI to get even more interesting insights in related data. Fittingly they are used widely in the energy industry. But it finds interesting use cases across all industries. It energies everyone to visualize information that has a start and an end or dynamic relationship with many intermediaries, for ex how the user landed and navigated in a web site, or a material in a manufacturing unit, control or money transfers in business processes in a completely different perspective and bring interesting insights to the forefront. |
Flow Map
Route Map
Visualize trajectories on a map
Route map is designed to visualize trajectories of objects, such as taxis, vessels, airplanes, and hurricanes. Specifically, a trajectory dataset often contains three aspects of information: time, geo-coordinate, and attribute. In this visual, you can draw the spatial-temporal information on a map with polylines, then use line styles (e.g., colors and widths) to encode desired attributes. |
Table Heatmap
Compare data easily and intuitively using colors in a table
Use this custom visual to build a table heat map that can be used to visualise and compare data values in an easy and intuitive way. You have a built-in option within this visual to specify the number of buckets used for splitting your data. Additionally, you can also customise it by choosing a colour scheme in line with your brand colours. |
Timeline Storyteller
Present different aspects of timeline data using a palette of representations, scales, & layouts.
Timeline Storyteller is an expressive visual storytelling environment for presenting timelines. You can use Timeline Storyteller to present different aspects of your data using a palette of timeline representations, scales, and layouts, as well as controls for filtering, highlighting, and annotation. To learn more about the research performed at Microsoft Research that informed this project, see This is an open source project released under a MIT license at |
Multi KPI
A powerful Multi KPI visualization, of a key KPI along with multiple sparklines of supporting data
The Multi KPI custom visual is for presenting a key performance indicator (KPI) along with a variety of supporting information, including: